Reading the title of this post, one might presume that I am piss-and-vinegar incarnate, with a belly full of angst. Or perhaps I'm the pretentious one, projecting my insecurities on anything commonplace, say, titles of blogs. I think the more reasonable explanation is that I couldn't conceive an appropriate title, and just copped out.
That being said, maybe I ought to indulge myself for a moment and explain who I am. This is my first post, after all. My name is Jason. Pleasure to meet you.
Right. Now lets get down to brass tacks. I am (pause for dramatic effect) a Libertarian. Take a few moments to ridicule and deride me, if you know where Libertarians stand on the political spectrum. If not, here's a primer:
Not that I quote Reagan too often, but I believe his old axiom goes, "The government that governs least, governs best". We all know that the Gipper didn't exactly practice what he preached, but I guess it's the thought that counts.
I feel that the folks we elect to public office do more harm than good, constitutionally speaking, and the folks those folks appoint to governmental positions aren't any better. I'm pretty capable of making my own decisions, so the fewer federal burrocrats*, the better. I find taxes deplorable and tantamount to theft. Federal law ought not trump state law. Blaaaarrarrrggg. I swear I, just now, hurled on the keyboard, and the last couple lines of this half-assed exposition were typed by the chunks I just blew. Moving on.
What was I talking about? Ah, yes. That mile-deep abyss called third party politics. You can probably see where I stand on (taxpayer backed) monetary issues. Goldwater ring a bell? On the other hand I'm about as left as left gets on the social end of things. Are all men created equal, or or all straight men created equal? In this case, to legislate based on morality is bigotry. Long story short, I'm pro-choice on just about everything.
My battery is running out of power (in several ways), so I've got to wrap things up. Damn the man. Hope to write again soon, but don't hold your breath. Peace out.
*Poster's note: This is not a typo. Check your Spanish-to-English dictionary, sans the crat part.
and so I was watching excerpts from a mccain palin rally, and the things that the crowd was saying were terrifying, and I wonder how these people can call themselves religious. I realize the how easy it is to whip a crowd into a foolish frenzy, but still it amazes me that these people, whom I assume would predominately describe themselves as christians, if not moralists, would find it ok to call for the murder of someone else. and that's not to say that the other side doesn't have crazies of it's own. It surely does. but my wonder is why these people, the bits of the mob (and by this I mean the entirety of those claiming to be of a moral religion) find it so hard to act in a righteous fashion. Why are christians so afraid of acting like christ? Of all these dogma's that I've experienced in my life, of all the views on the mystery of all this, they all seem a perversion of the one true religion, the one that is so much brighter than these forced complications. and it's only a few words long...and it is far prettier, and given the power i would sear it into the sky and tattoo it under the eyelids of every creature on this plane.
be kind
please be kind
be kind
please be kind
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